Simone--Nice wrap-up to the whole Sophie Human-to-Demon by adoption story cycle. Revenge is one of my favorite motifs, and a staple theme in the best dark literature, regardless of genre. Since demons are fallen angels totally driven by revenge (q.v. Paradise Lost) by guile, sabotage, sowing chaos and division, they're the most advanced exponents of guerrilla warfare there are. The famous 1960s radical, Saul Alinsky, dedicated his seminal book, "Rules for Radicals," to Lucifer, whom he dubbed "the very first radical," who, Alinsky wrote, may not have won his struggle, "at least got a kingdom for his trouble," or something close to that. Hack writer Dan Brown (of "Da Vinci Code" infamy)--arguably one of the worst "bestselling authors" of recent times, in his book "The Lost Symbol" (I read it because of its setting in Washington, plus its focus on Masonic lore, myself being a Freemason, though I haven't paid dues for ages, nor have I been to a meeting in around 20 years--I enjoy the esoteric, mystical lore associated with it, along with the history--plus I'm intrigued by the occult and arcane--so a good fit) casts the murderous villain as a devotee of sorcery who's convinced that by committing his ritual murders, he'll harness demonic legions to his service, and that when he dies (I think he's prepping for some sort of "transcendence" ritual as well), he'll transform into a demon, and become a demonic ruler, or be welcomed by Aleister Crowley (!!!) as a fellow ruler of a dark netherworld (seriously!). Totally screwball to be sure, but at least that sort of thing has an historical lineage--at least it's not Scientology. Now a showdown between a gang of demons and Tom Cruise, Travolta, and the spiritual presence of L. Ron Hubbard--THAT would be one hell of a read!!! Good job yet again, presenting the horny side of the horned specters of Hell.

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Thanks John. I knew when I started this story that I wanted to write about beings that behaved in a similar way to vampires but wanted to get away from that whole, 'guy in a dinner jacket sucking blood from a girls neck' theme. There is always a sacrificial character (usually female) in those stories who gets converted to 'undead' state and then has to be finished off by the heroes so I thought, let's give her a chance. The idea that she ends up powerful, presumably living for a long time and having great sex would be quite appealing. As i have said before, I want my preternatural characters to have some feelings rather than just be monsters. Both of these ideas meshed together in the offer to release her and her decision to stay in episode 6

If I'd plotted the story a little better I might have told the reader a little more about Jason and Stacey at the beginning but the wrap up evolved as I was writing the later episodes.

I think Sophie might reappear as a character in a future story but she might get a name change - any ideas?

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Terrific ideas all…I do have a couple of thoughts about a future Sophie incarnation, but have to give the matter some thought…I’ll share my thoughts with you via E-Mail…

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