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I LOVE IT! Simone, you have stumbled directly into one of my favorite realms of occult/mystical/religious speculation: Gnosticism! Not just stumbled, rather stuck the landing, on-time/on target!

Most people are unaware that Christianity wasn't what's considered "Christianity" as it's known today until the 4th Century AD, when the Imperial government got into the business of putting the official seal on fair or foul vis-a-vis the supernatural realm, codifying what was "legal" and "illegal" to believe, consequently, eliminating all evidence of contrary belief, including scriptures, treatises, and even adherents via exile or other less humane means (particularly in areas under Papal jurisdiction, where all speculation was frowned upon, when it happened at all--they were too busy fighting off barbarian raids). The Gnostics were a large-scale competitor to state-sponsored orthodoxy, and were around since Apostolic times, when there were no real doctrinal police.

As their name clearly implies, "knowledge" was their thing--self-knowledge primarily. Many of their Scriptures survive (and make for stimulating reading)--recovered from a buried cache in Egypt in 1948 or thereabouts. Though there were many subsets of Gnostics, the general theme was that the Old Testament God was an evil demiurge, who usurped the authority of the real, transcendent Deity (some impenetrable, inscrutable source of Energy or Light, or Life) when it wasn't looking, and imprisoned parts of divine energy into matter; Christ was some sort of superhero to fight the demiurge (the Biblical God), to liberate the inner spiritual nature of creation from the restraining power of the fleshly, demonic bad guy, revealing light, truth, happiness--that sort of thing. The popular historian Thomas Cahill described them as "the first California cult." As far as what you write about in your piece here, essentially, it's a re-working of the Prometheus legend in a modified form: "Light" is equated with the Ultimate Reality, Truth, and so forth--a Pure Energy--True "Wisdom," which is hidden from Creation by a terrorist act by the being universally adored by the Abrahamic world (that being recorded in Scripture as being "not very nice," to say the least--rather petty and destructive to his enslaved creatures, actually), including a distorted view of the true nature of Christ. So for the Gnostics, the being known as "God" in the Bible (and his affiliates/associates/servants) is actually the source of Evil (i.e., a Demonic Entity), holding humanity back. The serpent was considered an symbol of wisdom among the Gnostics (as it was in antiquity generally), rather than a Satanic avatar.

Now many Gnostics considered the body, the flesh--intrinsically Evil and polluted, since it was created by the Demiurge. Consequently, some schools took an extreme ascetic route, chastising and denying their bodies, practicing celibacy, all of that. Others, however, saw this as an opening to a new era of sexual and creative liberation (the Sixties way before the Sixties); since they'd discovered that the conventional morality pushed by society--the standard "Judeo-Christian" ethic of the first century, of which Christ was the harbinger, with what they saw as a new, radical, pro-human philosophy in its essence, human salvation came through the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment--NOT ritual observance and adherence to tradition or blind obedience to dogmatic formulas. They saw themselves as spiritual beings, and saw sexual moralities as repressive, so their "Sunday Masses" were rather fun, let's say. They embraced sex--in all manner of forms--as acts of worship; their liturgies devolved into drug-fueled orgiastic bacchanalia as a rule. The wine used for the Communion was not "wine" as we know it--wine in Roman times was VERY heavy, and to increase the buzz, often spiked with herbs and other substances. The "Communion" in fact, was actually the consumption of semen, and vaginal discharge--actual physical consumption of "living energy." Aleister Crowley adapted part of this theory into some of his "sexual magick" rites, including his "Gnostic Mass," a rite WAY more subdued than what you'd experience at the Gnostic parish on a Sunday--the parish barbecue must have been a wild affair indeed!

So seeing your demons and related beings as sexual in your stories is totally in league with traditional antinomianism--a pro-human, metaphysical worldview standing in direct opposition to the conformist, the ordinary, and the workaday "sheeple" of the world, content with going through life as oblivious dullards. I have no use for dullards of any kind--"let the dead bury their dead," as a very wise sage once said. I've always been cognizant of the connection between Prometheus and Lucifer; Fire and Light--the fact that both are symbolic of passion, wisdom, and knowledge which both transformed humanity from automatons to autonomous agents. Both supernatural beings were eternally condemned as well. The "Sin" of Adam and Eve was eating from the "Tree of Knowledge." The very first crime was seeking knowledge; sex was tied into it as well (this led to psychotic madmen like Augustine and his even more psychotic offshoot Luther further screwing up the human mind). Knowledge and Sex are still explosive issues, Simone--keep on writing hornier bearers of horned headdresses to fight against the tyrants out to suppress and crush both!!!

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